State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


April 15, 2014 was the first class training courses in English Schedule of courses: Every Tuesday and Thursday at 13:30 p.m., room № 117.
13:17, 25-04-2014
April 23, 2014, the regular meeting of the Academic Council of the State University of Telecommunications, where the current issues of further development of the university on changes to the curriculum of training, on awarding academic degrees and ot..
08:58, 24-04-2014
13:40, 20-04-2014
22:27, 19-04-2014
On the 10th of April year 2014 at the State University of Telecommunications was held Round Table, the topic was: Spiritual and ethnic determinants of national culture in the context of globalization and the transformation of society, this event ..
15:45, 17-04-2014
11:14, 14-04-2014
15:23, 10-04-2014
15:12, 10-04-2014
14:34, 10-04-2014
Той любить Фані Брон, той любить Беатріче, Лауру, Ганську або Наталі. Коштовні імена на бархаті сторіччя! Немеркнучі зірки на обріях землі! О, скільки взято нот і списано паперу! Шкода, як ореол не держиться чола. Коли безсмертя впа..
11:48, 09-04-2014
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