State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Distance learning technologies

13:28, 24-06-2016

The pace of life of modern people is accelerating every day. It is getting more difficult to combine all the functions we assigned to ourselves. Technologies come to the aid to ease the daily life somehow and free time to relax. For instance, today we may afford to get a complete higher education by sitting at a computer at home. Distance learning at universities is more affordable, convenient and as much efficient as the traditional one.

Distance learning technologies

Students of distance learning universities receive state-recognized degrees upon graduation (in case the university is accredited).

The principle of distance learning - is in a remote form of acquiring knowledge by means of advanced technology (computer programs, Internet, email, teleconferencing etc.). Herewith communication with instructor is held at a remote. It is possible to listen to lectures, perform laboratory works, ask questions, discuss lectures’ topics and even pass exams by means of online broadcasts, webcasts, e-mail. The convenience of such format is obvious: you may easily communicate with the tutor and fellow students, who are at the other end of the world, that means that such education is available to any person, regardless of his state of health, life situation and location.

Single e-learning program is most commonly used for a more efficient organization of the learning process, that can be opened either using a standard web browser or installed on a computer. As a rule, students have access to learning materials and curriculum by means of the program. Using the same system, students can communicate with each other and the tutor, pass intermediate and final tests. The objective of such electronic system is information support, monitoring of students and organization of the learning process. Students can often register a mail box on the university’s server, that facilitates interaction and communication as well.

Remote learning in the institute is a modern and comfortable way of education.

As a rule, distance higher education is cheaper and a part of extramural education.

Interesting fact! Despite some apprehension among the middle age and old population in relation to distance education, youth is actively developing opportunities of remote sessions. According to statistics, almost half of school students use online tutoring services on various subjects. By the way, the number of subjects of interest to young people includes not only general education disciplines. Many students find remote tutors for themselves, for example, vocal tutors or even tutors-native speakers living abroad.

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