State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Is the distance and remote learning the same thing?

12:04, 31-03-2016

It is important to know that distance and remote learning is not the same thing. Remote learning provides for general curriculum, common deadlines for tests and coursework, fixed terms for exams. Unlike remote learning, distance education means individual approach to each student. Every student is assigned to the instructor, who is responsible for training, advising on complex topics and issues, checking tests and providing assistance with preparation for exams. You are expected to be constantly in touch with your instructor-supervisor through the phone, via the Internet or other means of communication. Another difference is that the distance learning gives you an opportunity to choose the sequence of subjects for study and the pace of work. You may decide on your own how long you are going to study this or that course.

How can I get training materials? Distance student receives a set of materials immediately upon enrolling in classes. It should be noted that this set includes both textbooks and texts of lectures, workshops, and tasks for solitary work on different media – on traditional paper, CD, audio and video files.

Who are the principal users of distance learning system (DLS)? According to foreign statistics, the majority of DL students are people after 25 years old, who are already working and want to deepen their professional knowledge without discontinuing working. Distance learning format, however, suits nearly everyone.

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