State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

In the educational institute of correspondence and distance education graduates HELD

14:05, 18-03-2016

At the State University of Telecommunications took place graduates in specialties "Radio communication, broadcasting and television" and "Information communication networks." At the presentation of the diplomas were 45 students who successfully defended their theses, including 4 students received a diploma with honors.

The event to mark the release of students participated Vice Rector for Postgraduate Studies of correspondence and distance learning, international relations and scientific and pedagogical work with foreign students Komarova LA, acting Director NNIZDN Olhovaya IA, director SV NNITI trestle, head of HR Lviv SM, head of Vyshnivskyy VV Parhomey IR, VA Druzhinin, Vlasenko TN

 On this day, the state received replenishment of highly qualified specialists in telecommunications and IT-technology. Currently many graduates are already working in this area, and some of them even occupy senior positions in the industry.

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