State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

International scientific-technical conference of students and youth

19:01, 26-12-2015

Dec. 24 at the State University of Telecommunications was held International scientific-technical conference of students and youth «World of Telecommunications and Information».

The conference started with plenary session which was opened by the Rector of State University of Telecommunications Tolubko Vladimir Borisovich.

At the meeting, the participants of the conference were members of our University, and Chairman of the Department of Family, Youth and Sports of Solomyanskiy District in Kyiv state administration Irina Kustova.

Also, the best and most successful students of the State University of Telecommunications have been awarded certificates of the company «Alcatel».

The conference of participants of 17 registered universities Ukraine.

The conference was divided into four sections:

1. «Modern information technologies».

2. «Telecommunication systems and networks».

3. «Security of information and telecommunication technologies.»

4. «Socioeconomic problems of telecommunications development».

All in all, there were published 107 abstracts.

Presentations were made by 36 people, including our members and other students of Kyiv and Ukraine. All participants have been awarded certificates in the final plenary session where results of the conference were summed up.

Author: Prikhodko V.A.

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