State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Google to paid Apple $ 1 billion, to remain the default search engine on the iPhone

09:06, 24-01-2016

Apple, got $ 1 billion from Google in 2014, according to the transcript of the court hearing in the case against Oracle Google, reports Bloomberg.

The companies signed an agreement under which the manufacturer pays the search engine iPhone percentage of profits generated search box on devices Apple. This was announced by Oracle lawyer at a hearing in federal court.

Rumors have long circulated that agreement, but the company has never publicly confirmed the information. Remained unknown and the percentage of income that Google listed the Apple, for the opportunity to place a search box on your iPhone. But during the preliminary hearing, one of the witnesses in the case against Oracle Google, respondents first lawyer, said that "at some point in time the share of profits was 34%." From the transcript remains unclear which of the companies referred to owned share.

Once the transcript was in the public domain, Google has requested the removal of "sensitive information" from the court records. According to the company, disclose terms of the deal could affect the company's ability to enter into similar agreements in the future. First, the company received from the judge refused. But on January 20 transcript disappeared from the electronic records of the court.

Oracle is fighting against Google in 2010 when the company was first accused the search engine to use it properly when creating Java Android-without paying for it. If Oracle wins, Google will have to pay more than $ 1 billion.

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