State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


15:14, 05-11-2015

November the 3, 2015 in the auditorium of the State University of Telecommunications took place meeting of students of the Educational-scientific Institute of Information security. The first part included educational, vocational, and organizational issues concerning employment of students. Introducing the agenda of the first meeting:

The agenda of the Meeting of the Institute of CO 03/11/2015

1. Training issues.

1.1. The list of students expelled from the start of the semester.

1.2. The list of students with low attendance and therefore very close to the exclusion.

1.4. Analysis of the implementation of curricula for individual schedules.

1.5. Additional lessons on Ukrainian language for foreign students.

To reduce the problems of teaching foreign students in core curriculum established additional days of consultations:

Department of UIB - Tuesday.

Department of IKB - Wednesday.

Department of SZI - Thursday.

2. Interaction Student Council with the leadership institute.

2.1. Results of changes in curriculum proposals for student council - all offers considered.

2.2. Repeating an examination of certain subjects in separate groups.

2.3. Possibility for Masters to publish articles in conference proceedings 18-20 November 2015.

2.4. Second degree in economic direction for masters. Very useful, promising and quite compact at the time.

2.5. Work in creating community of Turkmenistan.

3. Activities Student council on career guidance question — employment of students.

3.1. Offer from MTS.

3.3. Deal from company Softreytynh-Consult (technology of SAP AG).

3.4. During the conference 18-20 November 2015 will be organized Master Class from Search-Inform to build a circuit cyber security. Venue — a.407.

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To the applicant

Energyeffective technologies in telecommunications

Energyeffective technologies in telecommunications are technologies, which are sent to the effective (rational) use of power resources in industry which as nobody needs their permanent consumption. Use of less of energy for providing of the same level of the power providing, for example, of the base station or DPC.

Using these technologies it is possible to attain the economic justified efficiency of the use of теплоэнергетических resources at the existent level of development of technique, technology and observance of requirements to the guard of environment. This field of knowledge is on the joint of engineering, economy, jurisprudence and sociology.

Energyeffective technologies in telecommunications

Energyeffective technologies in telecommunications are technologies, which are sent to the effective (rational) use of power resources in industry which as nobody needs their permanent consumption. Use of less of energy for providing of the same level of the power providing, for example, of the base station or DPC.

Using these technologies it is possible to attain the economic justified efficiency of the use of теплоэнергетических resources at the existent level of development of technique, technology and observance of requirements to the guard of environment. This field of knowledge is on the joint of engineering, economy, jurisprudence and sociology.

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