State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

The patch for WINDOWS 10 broke WORD

15:09, 15-01-2016

Set next cumulative update for Windows 10 - KB3124200 erases all custom macros, rules, auto-correction and auto text created by the user.

The next update rollup package for Windows 10 thoroughly spoil the mood of those who actively use the Office suite, Microsoft and, in particular, Word. The fact is that during installation of the update, for unclear reasons, there is a name change and subsequent replacement of the file (Normal.dotm in Word 2007, and Word 2010) new.

This template uses Microsoft Word to save different custom settings. Those who work a lot with texts and use the office suite Microsoft, tend to create their own macros in Word, the rules of automatic correction and so on. All this greatly simplifies the user lives and saved in a file Normal.dotm.

Update KB3124200 leads to rename the configuration file. As a result, the next time you start Word does not find Normal.dotm in a familiar place. If you can not find a copy or backup file, Word creates a new, pristine version Normal.dotm, successfully having lost all of their own user settings. In fact, reset to factory settings.

It is unclear which version of the Office suite befell this error. Judging by users, the problem is uniquely susceptible to Word 2016. Microsoft engineers have assured the official forum that dealt with that provoked a strange bug.

Word MVP (this title is assigned to the technical community leaders worldwide who voluntarily share their deep practical experience on Microsoft technologies with other users), Doug Robbins also spoke at the official forum: "I use Word 30+ years, including a 2016 version on Windows 10, but I have never seen a template, and now the Normal.dotm, simply disappeared somewhere. "

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