State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Staff at the Swedish store was replaced by smartphones

17:10, 18-03-2016

In the Swedish city of Viken for several months successfully operates a shop where there is no staff. Cashiers and sellers, and buyers replaced app smartphones.

Such modern shop came to mind the local IT-specialist Robert Eliasson, who invented and created the app completely replaces people, usually belonging to the store staff.

Shop around the clock, but his door is always closed. To get inside - you need to create an account in the app, log in, and then - just swipe your finger across the screen, opening the door.

This same application will need to use to scan items. Cash registers in the store there, and the bill for the purchase comes to the phone owner's bank at the end of the month.

Shop Safety, as the creators and owners of note is the main problem. Nevertheless, until the developer cope on their own - in the shop installed the camera reacts to all movements inside the trading hall.

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