State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Network safety. Possible threats are in 2016

11:19, 03-12-2015

In opinion of analysts of Fortinet, threats, related to development of the Internet of things (IoT), and also services in a cloud, is expected.

Experts forecast, that in the conditions of growing pressure from the side of law enforcement authorities, malefactors will perfect the methods of avoiding a discovery and disguise.

Most essential tendencies in area of cybersecurity in 2016:

  • Increase of number of attacks with the use of connection between devices (M2M)
  • Specially created worms and viruses, sent to the Internet of things
  • Attacks are in cloudy and virtual environments
  • New methods of avoiding a discovery and new methods of elimination of proofs of attack
  • Malicious to POE, that can go round front-rank technologies of «sand-box».

More detailed opinion of specialists you can read here:

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