State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

V the International conference «NEW TRENDS of SAFETY - 2015»

11:58, 29-10-2015

The associate professor of Information security systems department,V. Ermoshin 15.10.2015 came forward on V of the International conference «NEW TRENDS of SAFETY – 2015».

A lecture is begun with digression in history of standard of ISO/IЕС 27001.

So, Valery reminded about the evolution of standard :

• in 2005 the first version of standard went out on a management by informative safety of ISO/IЕС 27001;

• in 2011 the standard of ISO/IЕС 27001 was accepted as branch for banks Ukraine;

• 01.07.2012 years put in the operation of DSTU ISO/IEC 27001:2010;

• the second version of standard of ISO/IЕС 27001 went out in 2013, here all certificates given out from 2014 confirm accordance exactly of this version.

Reliable source of knowledge, experience, useful contacts in the field of providing of bank safety - this reputation was confirmed by last  V the International conference the «New trends of safety».

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