State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
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Admissions Committee:
Department of documentation and information provision and control
Phone / fax: (044) 249-25-12
Department of mediacommunications
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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Department of the Space systems and complexes and satellite telecommunications  created in 2014.

Ukraine entered the third millennium as one of leading

space states of the world. Space activity is attributed to state
priorities of Ukraine, that are the important factor of innovative development
economies. Research and use of space are by the necessary condition of development scientific and technical, technological and productive potential, providing of interests of the state on protracted period in the spheres of safety and defensive, increase of level of quality of life to participating of Ukraine in the decision of general issues of humanity.

Space activity in Ukraine comes true in accordance with
To the law of Ukraine "On space activity" (502/96-ВР) international agreements and other normatively-legal acts.

A department is structurally inferior to the faculty of Telecommunications.

The Scientifically-pedagogical personnel (SPP) of department conducts the considerable organizational, educator, advanced and methodical study from introduction of scientific material from the newest educational technologies in an educational process after directions: 050903 are Telecommunications (specialities are the "Telecommunication systems and networks"; "Informative communication networks"); 050102 is the Computer engineering (speciality is the "Computer systems and networks"), 050901 is radio Engineering" (05090102 is "Apparatus of radio contact, broadcast and television"; 05090103 are the "Radio electronic devices, systems and complexes"), to producing of modern specialists on educationally-qualifying levels: bachelor, specialist, master's degree for one of the most dynamic industries of national economy of Ukraine - copula.

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