State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Methodical work

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Methodical work

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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "051 Економіка" кафедри Економіки та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

Methodical work of the department is organized and conducted based on the modern requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science and the university administration. Improvement of techniques for all types of classroom and independent work of students includes the active use of innovative technologies and teaching methods.

Research and teaching staff of the department is actively used in its educational work innovative technologies. Credit and modular organization of the educational process is effective and improves the quality of education in the information society, education each student mobility (ability to study at various educational institutions), gaining the ability to self-realization and competitive in today's job market.

Research and teaching staff of the department actively introducing new technologies, forms and methods of teaching. During lectures and practical classes on subjects introduced the use of Moodle. Developed an e-course that includes the following training elements: a survey of students, electronic lectures, self-tests, guidelines to prepare for seminars and implementation of practical and laboratory work, modular control (testing).

For the convenience of students given the opportunity to save the results of the practical work in the system Moodle, teachers and check the results of the practical and laboratory work remotely. Visiting teachers of the department to study the lessons of the program «MOODLE» improves the quality of the examinations.

The main focus of research and teaching staff of the department aimed at strengthening independent cognitive activity of students using innovative and traditional methods of modern education. In the system of monitoring of students' knowledge is an important area of ​​development and implementation of methods of individualization of learning and self-improvement students. For this purpose: abstracts, individual assignments, consulting, game situations, presentations and other approaches.

Scientific and teaching staff of the department worked to improve the organization and methods of conducting examinations on "Sociology", "Social Psychology", "Public relations and advertising in the field of telecommunications", "Political Science" and other disciplines. Revised and updated list of questions for the exam, all the issues specified and close to future practice.

Significant role in the improvement of teaching work performs methodical seminar permanent academic staff of the department , which discusses topical issues based on the experience of leading domestic and foreign universities . At the department systematically conducted methodical classes whose purpose is the exchange of professional experience. All teachers of the department mutually attend lectures and workshops in order to control and exchange of experience . Teaching staff of the department is constantly improving his scientific and pedagogical qualifications.

Improving the methodological work and increasing the efficiency of the educational process, teachers of the department regularly attend scientific and methodological conferences, as well as actively participate in seminars, roundtables and other programs.

At the Department of Social Technologies practiced such controls, self-control and assessment of student learning, which provide them with an interest in the results of the learning process throughout the semester. For this department develops a rating system of assessing students.

Department directs methodical work not only to improve the efficiency of assimilation theory, methodology and practice of academic disciplines, but also for the development of techniques and methods of formation of professional qualities future sociologists in telecommunications.

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