State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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Publish activities

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The most significant projects of the Department


Kachanov P. T., Kosarev E. K., Sigal T. G. Individual multicriteria absolute cardinal expert estimation // Electromechanical modelling. - 2006. - № 6. - p. 18-21.

Bushma A. V. The logical representation of elements of the information field device output // Instruments and systems. Management. The control. Diagnostics. - 2006. - № 2. - p. 21-23.

Bushma A. V. The energy costs of an indication of how the selection criteria for the principles of scoring different output devices / Devices and systems. Management. The control. Diagnostics. - 2006. - № 3. - p. 14-18.

Bushma A. V., Sukach G. A. About possible variants of formation of two-cycle discrete analog representation of information // Reports of higher schools. Radioelectronica. - 2006. - 49 so. - № 2. - p. 17-26.


Kachanov P. T. Motivation of intellectual activity of students in the performance of course work. - Kiev: SUICT, 2005. - p. 184 - 187.

Bushma A.V., Sukach G.A., Krivuca V.G. Non-structural optimization devices bar-graph display with high resolution // Reports of higher schools. Radioelectronica. - 2005. - № 1. - p. 49-56.

Bushma A.V., Sukach G.A., Yarcev V.P. Evaluation of ergonomic characteristics of scoring indicators with different forms of representation // Optoelectronic information technologies PHOTONICS ODS-2005". The book of abstracts of the third international. scient. technological conf., on 27-28 April 2005, Vinnitsa, Ukraine. - Vinnitsa: Universum-Vinnitsa. - 2005. - p. 117-118.

The certificate on the copyright registration of the product № 12836. Computer program "Visual simulator Skalnik indicators ERGO-1 / O.V. Bushma, G.O. Sukach, V.P. Yarcev, V.O. Yaskevich. - Publ. 18.04.2005.

Kachanov P.T., Milenkij O.V. Motivation of intellectual activity of the students at the implementation and protection of the course work in the discipline of computer science. // Proceedings of II international scientific-methodical conference "Bologna process: the Transformation of the educational process in the educational technology". - Kiev: SUICT, 2005. - P.184-187.

Bushma A.V., Sukach G.A. Building devices with combined indication for information-measuring systems // Devices and systems. Management. Control. Diagnostics. - 2005. - № 4. - 20-25 p.

Bushma A. V., Krivuca V. G., Sukach G. A. Reliable discrete analog positional information for radio navigation systems // Bulletinof the SUICT. - 2005. - 3 so. - № 3. - p. 23-26.

Kachanov P.T. Development of structural-target theory of decision support. Cipher "Structure", № d/p 0101U006848, Institute of problems of registration of the NAS of Ukraine. - Kyiv, 2005, p. 6.2-6.4. - N-70 - 79.

Bushma A.V., Sukach G.A., Yarcev V.P. Nonparametric analysis of ergonomic characteristics of information models of scale indicator devices // Proc. of the Sixth Intern. scient.-practical conf. "Modern information and electronic technologies" (MIET-2005), may 23-27, 2005, Odessa, Ukraine. - Odessa: "Negociant". - 2005. - 208 p.

Kachanov P.T. Final report on project no 01.07/00060 Development structure purpose theory of decision support (cipher "Structure") - Foundation for basic research, MANY of Ukraine - Kiev, 2005. R-6.4. - S. 70-79.

Kachanov P.T., Kosarev E.K., Sigal T.G. Development non-criterion methods of decision making support in conditions of risk and uncertainty (code "Mirage") - Kyiv, 2005. ch. 2.2. - p. 52-281.

Bushma A.V., Sukach G.A. Optimization of power consumption of the led bar indicator devices // Measurement techniques. - 2005. - № 6. - p. 42-46.

Bushma O.V., Cicarєv V.M., Yarcev V.P. Using the HTML HELP WORKSHOP and CAMSTUDIO programs in the design of methodical instructions for laboratory and practical works // Materials of the II intern.  scientific-methodical Conf. "The Bologna process: transformation of the educational process in the educational technology", 20-21 October 2005, Kiev, Ukraine. - Kiev: SUICT. - 2005. - p. 187-188.

Kachanov P.T. Report No. 0103U000831, Institute of problems of registration of the NAS of Ukraine - Kiev, 2005. Par. 2.2. - p. 52-281.

Dіkarev O.V. The technique of studying modular systems. - Kiev: SUICT. - 2005. - p. 189.

Bushma A.V., Krivuca V.G., Sukach G.A. Reliable discrete analog positional information for radio navigation systems // Bulletin of SUICT. - 2005. - T 3. - № 3-4. - p. 23-26.


Sukach G.O., Gavriluk Ju.M., Olіferenko D.O., Bushma O.V./The definition of the reheating temperature of the active region of semiconductor emitters with potential barriers // Physics and chemistry of solids. - 2004. – T 5. - № 1. - p. 16-25.

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