State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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News in which occurs: "workplace"
April 28 every year since 2002, over 100 countries celebrate World Day for safety. Motto 2016 – «Stress in the workplace: a collective challenge».
12:52, 27-04-2016
$ 62 billion a year. In the same amount it costs US companies non-fatal injuries, as a result of which workers are absent from the workplace for at least six days. 82.5% of this amount is a compensation for the most serious non-fatal injuries and acc..
11:40, 29-01-2016
For eleven months of 2015 in the Ukraine-death flax injured 342 persons, for eleven months of 2014  516 persons (down 34%). The main causes of accidents are: • accident and hit the vehicle (102 people); • falling victim (50); &bul..
13:02, 21-12-2015
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