State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "graduates"
Section: The Scientific Council
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information technologies
News in which occurs: "graduates"
Now You're standing before a difficult choice of the future professional path, when the chosen UNIVERSITY and specialty decides Your future. We live in an information society when you can't imagine life without a mobile phone, computer or an..
12:04, 23-06-2016
The Department of radio monitoring and radio frequency management met with graduates of the Kiev College Saints
12:33, 03-06-2016
On 25 March 2016 there was a weekly language testing in training groups of a one-year and a second-year postgraduates, which are formed in accordance with the Order of the Rector of the University for their In-depth Study of English. It was apprec..
15:14, 25-03-2016
On 18 March 2016 there was a weekly language testing in training groups of a one-year and a second-year postgraduates, which are formed in accordance with the Order of the Rector of the University for their In-depth Study of English. It was apprec..
17:45, 18-03-2016
At the State University of Telecommunications took place graduates in specialties Radio communication, broadcasting and television and Information communication networks. At the presentation of the diplomas were 45 students who successfully defended ..
14:05, 18-03-2016
22 January 2016 solemn presentation of diplomas to graduates of the State University of telecommunications. We congratulate all who passed through the thorns to the stars who every day found the strength and inspiration to learn, develop and impro..
22:43, 06-03-2016
Applied Programming Department staff congratulates you on successful graduation. We wish you health, happiness, inspiration, and new creative achievements, wise decisions and actions of high professional accomplishments, self-confidence and career g..
23:19, 24-01-2016
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