State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "direction"
News in which occurs: "direction"
December 28, 2022 the State University of Telecommunications will host an international conference for European countries «DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AS A STRATEGIC DIRECTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMYIN THE WORLD AND IN UKRA..
17:43, 26-12-2022
At the opening lesson on radiosport (1 lesson) master of sports with Ukraine Radioamator League Nikolai Ivanchikhin introduced a group of students RTD-31 directions of preparation Radio to the basic skills of handling the card, as well as the simples..
12:06, 16-03-2016
The competitions, which take place on the terrain with a compass and route map that consists of a sequence of control points of micro transmitters, with a choice of the most rational ways of movement between them is called sports radio orienteering. ..
12:31, 18-02-2016
Training in EPAM Systems is rather an opportunity to improve the skills in one’s chosen subject than to study it from scratch. The free training is also focused on senior students of technical specialties and lasts for several months. Participa..
19:34, 25-10-2015
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