State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "diplomas"
News in which occurs: "diplomas"
January 22, 2016 solemn events on the occasion of the next release of specialists at the State University of Telecommunications. During the event, Rector Tolubko Volodymyr Borysovych solemnly handed diplomas with honors for excellent teaching. Also a..
13:53, 29-01-2016
18th January 2016 a solemn presentation of certificates to applicants Ph.D. of the Department of Information and cyber security
14:26, 22-01-2016
On 19.01.2016 students of Group МНДМ-61 defended their magister diplomas. Congratulate all students with successful defense of diplomas and receiving the status “magister”.
10:32, 21-01-2016

22 December, 2015 took place defence of diplomas students of group SZZS -71.

We congratulate the graduating students of Information security systems department on successful defence of diploma works and wish professional successes in life!

19:12, 26-12-2015
6.10.2015 Congratulations! Have got advanced training diplomas in Top management advanced training institute of National state management academy by President of Ukraine: Shevchenko Victor Leonidovich, doctor of technical science, professo..
12:15, 09-10-2015
Congratulate all students with successful defense of diplomas and receiving the status “magister”. Department for Management and Business-Modeling congratulates the new colleagues with this significant event and wishes them to find the..
10:11, 25-12-2014
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