State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "cybersecurity"
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information security
News in which occurs: "cybersecurity"
Forum Cisco «Cybersecurity Technology will be held December 8, in Kiev at the Olympic NSC, ul. B. Vasylkivska, 55. In a Program: Cisco Integrated protection Anatomy of the attack. Methods of work of cybercriminals Network as a safety..
10:34, 05-12-2016
Dear students! November 30 at 13:30 in the conference hall of the University held an opened seminar on the theme Actual issues of cybersecurity, timed to the Day of protection of information. Today, cyber security is growing rapidly, and every ..
14:01, 24-11-2016
A scientific-practical conference "Problems of cybersecurity information and telecommunication systems
15:55, 21-03-2016
The past 2015 was a very rich to cyber attacks and has shown that even the most reliable protection of multinational corporations is subject to cracking. Even the super-protected companies could not resist the attack of hackers. Such as: American Per..
13:09, 10-02-2016
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