State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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11 students study group ISM-41 out of 20 (on the general list) defended perfectly well their undergraduate degree work. ISM Head of the Department marked for the better students: Vinogradov, Borysenko, Gnylusha, Gresko, Derkachenko, Kirakosyan, Mayda..
15:31, 24-06-2016
June 21, 2016 at the Department of informative and cyber security defended bachelor diploma students of the fourth year of BAN-41 Educational and Research Institute data protection. All students successfully defended their work and qualified exper..
15:17, 23-06-2016
The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine considered it necessary to obtain the data in correspondence WhatsApp and referred to the possibility that in the SBU. To this I reacted founder messenger. He answered the Ukrainians about the impossibil..
14:52, 10-03-2016
Over the weekend, security experts had to work. On the Mac, there was the first Trojan-extortionist, and for Android found malware that masquerades as something which you could trust, but actually makes you give your information into the wrong hands...
14:02, 10-03-2016
Contrary to very popular belief that cloud computing is taking place solely in cyberspace, in fact, all the work takes place in physical systems - data centers located around the world and consisting of a server connected between the stations. To use..
13:58, 11-02-2016
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