State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "Smart"
News in which occurs: "Smart"
In the Swedish city of Viken for several months successfully operates a shop where there is no staff. Cashiers and sellers, and buyers replaced app smartphones. Such modern shop came to mind the local IT-specialist Robert Eliasson, who invente..
17:10, 18-03-2016
The growth in the smartphone market is slowing markedly. At least, this situation is observed in mature markets, which, in addition to Western Europe and the US, is now true of China. Growth is now expressed by single-digit numbers. After all, smartp..
19:07, 10-03-2016
A device called AIRON GTi 2 created based on Mediatek MTK6260 chipset and can be synchronized with any mobile electronics with operating systems iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
15:01, 10-03-2016
3D Touch technology is not widespread. The reason for this is probably no need for it. However, innovation is always needed, and so as long as 3D Touch alternatives on the market there, producers will have in the future to use displays with similar t..
14:46, 10-03-2016
Over the weekend, security experts had to work. On the Mac, there was the first Trojan-extortionist, and for Android found malware that masquerades as something which you could trust, but actually makes you give your information into the wrong hands...
14:02, 10-03-2016
A company Google together with start-up Movidius invents chips for recognition of persons in smartphones, as during biometric authentication. Now smartphones of Google will be with the function of recognition of person real-time. It is possible no..
17:05, 14-02-2016
Psychologists have found that a class of so-called stand-up desks significantly raise the level of academic achievement and cognitive abilities of students, according to a paper published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Pub..
13:49, 11-02-2016
Classes Start: 10 Mar 2015 Course Length: 8 weeks Estimated effort: 4 hours per week Explore the fundamental computing technology inside smartphones and the advanced techniques that make them run so fast. About this C..
14:23, 25-02-2015
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