State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "Project"
News in which occurs: "Project"
Congratulations to the participants of the educational project Best with Ukrtelecom. We would like to congratulate the students of our faculty IMDM-61 group: Solonko Olesya and Shlinchak Lyudmila – who became participants of the project Tech..
13:32, 14-11-2016
The IT security Summer School united the best students from Blekinge Institute of Technology (Karlskrona, Sweden), Wroclaw University of Technology (Wroclaw, Poland), Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine), Kharkiv National University o..
10:48, 16-09-2016
June 3, 2016 the Department of Space systems and complexes and satellite telecommunications will be a pre-defense of theses and projects graduates of the University. Beginning at 14:00 in 211 auditorium. For preliminary defense must be read..
15:33, 26-05-2016
May 16, 2016 was the first wave of protection course projects by students of UBD-31. According to the preliminary plan of protection were presented five works. General themes of works were devoted to the programming language Java. According to reg..
10:38, 20-05-2016
On 16 and 23 March 2016 defense of software engineering students' projects took place. Within a month, the students worked in teams using the SCRUM methodology. Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for man..
09:09, 27-03-2016
March 4th, 2016 third-year student of the Department of Information Security Management (Group UBD-31) was issued threads term projects in the frames of discipline Simulation processes of information security management. It was also announced rules a..
10:01, 12-03-2016
On January 12-15, 2016, defense of the Web front-end training graduation projects took place at EPAM Systems. Among the members of the commission for defense were lecturers of the Applied Programming Department Yaskevych V.O. and Gamanyuk I.M. The le..
14:53, 18-01-2016
On December 25, 2015 another meeting was held with the participation of the staff of the Applied Programming Department within the DevOps training project. The meeting was attended by graduate students: Tikhonov Evgeniy, Konek Ruslan, Berlov Viktor a..
09:32, 26-12-2015
Information for students 7 year ( professionals NNIZDN )
From 16.12.2015r. on 22.12.2015r .
There will be a protection degree works (projects )!

Schedule posted on the website and notice board of the University 1st floor

10:42, 02-12-2015
November the 3, 2015 in the auditorium of the State University of Telecommunications took place meeting of students of the Educational-scientific Institute of Information security. The second part consisted of summarizing Institute Student Council an..
16:47, 05-11-2015
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