State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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News in which occurs: "Programming"
On April 21, 2016 Student Conference "Programming in IT" took place at the State University of Telecommunications
08:48, 12-06-2016
Students group TSD-12 successfully pass the training on programming in JAVA. 5 srudets have completed the individual assignment on writing program – scientific calculator. The program was written at a high level. On the 28th of April, they pres..
10:46, 29-04-2016
On April 21, 2016, at 13.30 in r.326 all-university Student Conference PROGRAMMING IT will be held at the State University of Telecommunications. Topics of the conference: • theoretical and methodological foundations of programming; &bull..
09:11, 16-03-2016
On February 25, 2016 a programming contest was held. The competition was attended by students of 1-4 courses, who study in the fields of Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Security Management, Telecommunications (with specializat..
13:15, 26-02-2016
On February 25, 2016 at 11.45-15.05 in the will r.221 1st Stage of Ukrainian Student Programming Contest! Programming languages: C ++, Java. We invite everyone! We encourage you to get familiar with the information, which is devoted to sports..
10:23, 16-02-2016
The article analyzes the use of programming languages by industry. Their brief characteristics are given. Today, information technology is an integral part not only of any successful business, but also of our daily life. Informatization is the benefi..
20:19, 13-02-2016
On December 21, 2015 after passing the qualifying examination trainees of the “programming in JAVA language” course received “Knowledge of JAVA language (basic)” certificates of Applied programming Department. Departmen..
14:55, 22-12-2015
The course of CS50 of the Harvard university is considered the best course from bases of programming in the world and from now on he will be accessible Ukrainian. About its legendary status testifies that in 2015 of Yale University gave up the own..
11:16, 03-12-2015

On November 2 2015, take place regular consultations about subject "Programming" with the assistant professor of applied programming Yaskevich VA



12:48, 05-11-2015

Оn October 12 and 13, 2015 classes in programming for 2nd year students of PD-21 organized by CyberBionic systematic took place. Next sessions will be on October 19 at 13.30 in room 218.

10:17, 18-10-2015
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