State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "October"
News in which occurs: "October"
30 October, 2015 collections of graduate students took place in the assembly hall of the State university of telecommunications. Before graduate students speech was made a by the chancellor of the State university of telecommunications, professor,..
14:50, 05-11-2015
Let Ukraine is strong is you, From misery to shade the Fatherland shields. Security, reliability and power of a large Yes fidelity country in the heart of a saint. Mother let you respect and value, A warm thank you to the homeland,..
08:36, 19-10-2015
Let Ukraine is strong is you, From misery to shade the Fatherland shields. Security, reliability and power of a large Yes fidelity country in the heart of a saint. Mother let you respect and value, A warm thank you to the homeland,..
08:20, 19-10-2015
INFORMATIONon injuries in manufacturing as of October 12, 2015(According to the State Service of Ukraine on labor issues) In the period from 05 to 11 October at the enterprises of Ukraine: fatally injured 8 people: 1 person - enterprises Krivoy..
10:42, 15-10-2015
October 29, 2014 a meeting of the Academic Council of the State University of Telecommunications, which was advised to awarding scientific degrees associate professors and senior researchers group of scientific and pedagogical staff of the State Univ..
09:57, 30-10-2014
Dear colleagues! We congratulate You on the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth! We wish You strong health, family welfare, scientific achievements in the development of space techno..
09:38, 06-10-2014
In a relaxed atmosphere demonstrated presentation State University of telecommunications, familiar with the website of the University, awarded advertising products of the University, brought information about preparatory courses and answered question..
13:35, 05-10-2014
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