State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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News in which occurs: "Defender"
Every year on December 6 we celebrate the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Therefore, we want to congratulate students - future officers, defenders of the motherland.
14:37, 04-12-2015
Rector of the State University of Telecommunications on the Day of Defender of Ukraine for university staff organized an excursion to the 43rd Missile Red Army. Head of the Department of Information security Nakonechnyy V.S. also took part in this..
12:02, 29-10-2015
Let Ukraine is strong is you, From misery to shade the Fatherland shields. Security, reliability and power of a large Yes fidelity country in the heart of a saint. Mother let you respect and value, A warm thank you to the homeland,..
08:36, 19-10-2015
Let Ukraine is strong is you, From misery to shade the Fatherland shields. Security, reliability and power of a large Yes fidelity country in the heart of a saint. Mother let you respect and value, A warm thank you to the homeland,..
08:20, 19-10-2015
On October 14 2014 the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks officially became a national holiday! Congratulations on the Defender of Ukraine Day - a holiday that embodies the courage and heroism. Holiday on October 14 is not only the Day of Defender of Ukra..
14:50, 13-10-2015
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