State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Pages found: "Council"
Section: Educational-scientific institutions
Section: Educational-scientific Institute оf Telecommunications
Section: University
Section: The Scientific Council
Section: Study
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship
Section: Educational-scientific Institute of Information security
News in which occurs: "Council"
Congratulations to the newly elected leaders of the Student Council of the State University of Telecommunications; December 8 elections were held Head of Student Council of the University and student councils heads of departments of Teleco..
09:34, 09-12-2016
Dear students ! Student Council opens for you «SUT English Club». This is a club for communicating in English in any form in order to improve the level of knowledge of the language. Among the club are both native speakers and amateurs-..
10:52, 10-10-2016
Students Council of the State University of Telecommunications congratulates students with the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of new academic year! We wish all the students the enthusiasm, perseverance and inspiration to achieve their li..
10:40, 06-09-2016
24.03.2016. Took place collections of students of Educational-scientific institute of Information security. Order-paper of Collections of students of Educational-scientific institute of Information security. 1. Report of director of institute. 2. ..
15:38, 01-04-2016
Bake cakes, light candles, because we already 9 years! March 23 Student Council of the State University of Telecommunications is celebrating its Birthday !!! Student Council always tried, tries and will try to decorate your life with bright ..
11:20, 19-03-2016
Dear students! March 14, 2016 at 15:00 in the Conference - hall of State University of Telecommunications will be a meeting of Student Council of the University. The agenda will address the following questions: 1. On registrati..
19:21, 12-03-2016
Expansion of the membership of the Specialized Academic Council.
12:14, 05-03-2016
Meeting of the teaching staff of the department RRM with the student council of the research institute of Telecommunications and Information February 23, 2016 a meeting of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department RRM Training and Res..
11:13, 24-02-2016
08/10/2015 were held the elections of the head of the Student Council of the Faculty of Information Technology! Vorohob Maxim Vitalievich, student of the IMD- 32 group had been elected the head of the student council of FIT! For the last 3 ..
14:23, 09-10-2015
Оn October 8 at 11:20 in the conference hall there will be elections of Student Council of the Faculty of Information Technologies. Delegates of academic groups of Faculty of Information Technology are invited For all questions contact the Univ..
13:40, 06-10-2015
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