State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


10:37, 11-03-2016
10:32, 11-03-2016
08:27, 11-03-2016
Tired of sitting at home? Do you want to warm up?Then this ad is for you! From 14 to 31 March 2016 will be competitions in table tennis among students and employees of the State University of Telecommunications. To participate in the comp..
19:38, 10-03-2016
The growth in the smartphone market is slowing markedly. At least, this situation is observed in mature markets, which, in addition to Western Europe and the US, is now true of China. Growth is now expressed by single-digit numbers. After all, smartp..
19:07, 10-03-2016
Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft gaming division, announced that the company intends to bring together video game consoles Xbox One with Windows 10 to create a unified gaming platform. Information published on the website The Guardian. According to..
19:05, 10-03-2016
No matter how significant smartphones by themselves, but they seem to have found their completion, at least at this stage of development of technology, form factor, and, with the advent of the great friends» LG G5, attention seems to have some ..
18:58, 10-03-2016
We know that Wi-Fi-antenna - one of those components that are most drain the energy stored in the battery of the smartphone. In particular, this occurs in those cases where large volumes of continuously transmitted data, such as video. It would be ni..
18:00, 10-03-2016
A device called AIRON GTi 2 created based on Mediatek MTK6260 chipset and can be synchronized with any mobile electronics with operating systems iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
15:01, 10-03-2016
14:58, 10-03-2016
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