State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


Wages of Ukrainian IT-specialists range between 15 and 50 thousand dollars a year, as stated in a material of However, not many Ukrainian girls storm technical universities to choose promising and interesting career. Up till now image of ..
10:02, 10-04-2016
The English company succeeded to create the most black in the world material which more black than soot. Why it was done read further…
16:31, 09-04-2016
16:06, 09-04-2016
On the 6th of April 2016 the meeting of the Department of mathematics regarding career guidance was held. The importance of campaigning schoolchildren of Kiev for admission to the State University of Telecommunications was discussed.
15:16, 08-04-2016
14:52, 08-04-2016
13:54, 08-04-2016
13:14, 08-04-2016
Dear students! On Monday,April 13 at13:30in theconference hallof the University will be a lecture on the theme The law demands, compliance, investigationfrom the Scientific Community Teaching and Research Institute for the protection of informatio..
11:23, 08-04-2016
Lecturer Information and cyber security Teaching and Research Institute of information security of the State University of Telecommunications issued a manual (laboratory practice) Information and cyberspace, security issues, methods and means of stru..
10:24, 08-04-2016
March 28, 2016 between the State University of Telecommunications and State Enterprise Ukrainian Special Systems signed. The initiator of this cooperation was the Department of Information and cyber security. Combining educational, scientific ..
10:20, 08-04-2016
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