State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
Contact information:
Admissions Committee:
Department of documentation and information provision and control
Phone / fax: (044) 249-25-12
Department of mediacommunications
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Educational and Research Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship

27.10. 2014 р. senior lecturer of Department for Management and Business-ModelingBurbelo Natalya conducted an open lection on the discipline “Crisis-management”. Subject of the lection: “CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN THE COMPANY&rdq..
13:59, 12-11-2014
16:01, 05-11-2014
On Saturday October 25 was held Saturday on landscaping DUT. His conduct was attended by Director of the Institute Dziuba Vasily Markovich, teachers institute Dubovik N.A., Remarchuk M.M., S.V. Sazonovа, Voichenko P.A., Kryzhko O. groups and students..
15:57, 04-11-2014
October 24th general meeting of the Student Council of the Institute of Administration Institute. At a meeting addressed the following questions: 1) Composition of the Student Council ESI Management and Entrepreneurship 2) Plan of the Stud..
15:51, 04-11-2014
21.10.2014 took place the first presentation of the course. The students of our institute was nominated best dance number. I would like to express my gratitude to the students such as: Group STD - 11 Kotsyna Nazar Kravchenko Rodion Matvi..
15:38, 04-11-2014
An interesting format tasks picked up for the students of groups of MND- 31, MND- 41, MNDM- 51 teachers of the Management department and business-design of Kovshova I.O., Burbelo N.O. Our students of October, 9 of current year were the advertiseme..
15:16, 03-11-2014
Lecturers of Department for Management and Business-Modeling Kovshova І.О., Burbelo N.О. And students visited the exhibition of advertising and marketing«REX». As «mystery visitors» students evaluated the participants of th..
12:09, 27-10-2014
23:12, 13-10-2014
12:19, 02-10-2014
09:46, 01-10-2014
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