State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Presentation of the educational services of the University

15:46, 27-03-2015

State university of telecommunications in January 2015 Manuscript took part in the procurement procedure hosudarstvennыh a region Provision of educational services for temporarily not rabotayuschyh kyevlyan. Customer of educational services vыstupyl horodskoy the Kiev center employment. University successfully proshel kvalyfykatsyonnuyu evaluation of tender proposals of educational and эksklyuzyvnoe have obtained the right to Conduct retraining and qualifications Increase in direction university activities.

With a view to the creation blahopryyatnoho motivational climate and socio-Person Provision activity University Employees state-owned telecommunications University conducted a series presentations learning programs in rayonnыh employment centers of Kiev g


24 March 2015 g rabochaya held a meeting in the framework of cooperation between state-owned telecommunications and the Kiev University Center employment, Scientific Director at kotoroj Uchebn center Increase qualifications, retraining and learning of Remote Mishchenko and deputy Vladimir Aleksandrovych. Director of the Institute Uchebn - Scientific Institute for Education posledyplomnoho Boyko Natalia Ivanovna prezentovaly socio - obrazovatelnoe Offers on retraining and qualifications Increase unemployed citizens with bazovыm High society education.Were presented 11 technical orientation courses in the field of telecommunications and IT - Technology:

1. Information and cyber security

2. The use of a personal computer in information technology

3. Setting up and maintenance of modern mobile platforms

4. Methods and means of information protection against leakage via technical channels

5. Organization of Sociological Research

6. The construction and operation of modern telecommunication systems and networks

7. Information Security Management System

8. The use of a personal computer for business management

9. Computer technologies for IT professionals (configuration and maintenance of local area networks)

10. Manager Administration

11. Chief Operating Officer

Participants of the meeting was expressed great interest and desire to enroll in training provided by the board.

Detail for courses can be refined by phone: 249-25-90.

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