State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Changes to the regulations that govern relations in the field of labor

13:45, 09-03-2016

According to CMU from 30.09.2015 number 1021, the powers and functions previously carried eliminated Gosgorpromnadzor officially assigned to the State Service of Ukraine on Labour (Derzhpratsi). In this regard, the government has revised a number of its rulings which regulate relations in the field of labor and the State Mining Supervision (CMU "On amendments to some acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine" dated 11.02.2016 number 76).

According to the changes, Derzhpratsi and its local bodies carry out, including:

  • technical regulations safety in the production and use of products for industrial purposes; safety of industrial equipment;
  • technical review and / or expert inspection equipment of vehicles, machinery, equipment increased risk;
  • issuance of permits for works of increased danger and the operation (use) of machines, equipment increased risk;
  • providing outlets for mining of mineral deposits of national importance, construction and operation of underground facilities and other purposes not related to mining and so on.

Also Derzhpratsi carry out state policy in the field of occupational health and exercise radiation control jobs and doses to workers (CMU from 11.02.2016, the number 88).

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