State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Why abolish the Soviet health standards?

15:17, 05-03-2016

The new approach involves the establishment of health risk, not a threshold level of harmful substances. Cancellation of sanitary-epidemiological norms accepted in the days of the Soviet Union, stopping thread anecdotal action rules. This was discussed at a joint press conference Chairman of the State Service for Regulatory Xenia Lyapina and acting Chairman of the State Sanitation, Svyatoslav Protas.

Recall that the Cabinet order number 94 was canceled health standards that were adopted before 1991. Since January 1, 2017 will be considered invalid sanitation, hygiene, sanitary-epidemiological, sanitary and epidemiological, anti-epidemic and hygienic rules and regulations, sanitary and epidemiological norms and sanitary regulations.

"The old approach to the regulation of state regulation set threshold levels of harmful substances, and their excess is already negative, regardless of the damage it has body. In addition, the state sets the rate, sets and technical solutions to achieve this figure.

The new approach involves the establishment of a health risk. But how to achieve safety and health decides for himself entity. Threshold concept implies that any harmful substance on the body are affected, but the importance and duration of exposure, "explained S. Protas, stressing that Ukraine's population does not feel any negative results and consequences of such a decision.

Reduction regulation will promote business development, job creation, competition, and this, in turn, lead to a variety of cheaper goods and services, experts say.

"The transition to the new model achieve results is not easy, it requires to rebuild the" brains "and regulatory authorities, and the business itself, said K. Lyapina. Cancellation Soviet health standards is a step forward, but only the first, because it is necessary to revise some rules adopted after independence Ukraine. "

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