State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Ratified the ILO Convention on basic aims and standards Social Policy

13:39, 25-02-2016

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine September 16, 2015 and adopted the Law of Ukraine "On ratification of International Labor Organization Convention concerning Basic Aims and Standards of Social Policy number 117» (№ 0055). For the corresponding bill voted 237 deputies.

"The Convention envisages taking measures at the international, regional or national level to facilitate progress in areas such as health, housing, food, education, care for the welfare of children, the status of women, working conditions, better living conditions in rural areas, protection of migrant workers' rights and social security, "said Minister of social policy Pavlo Rozenko.

In particular, the Convention encourages the establishment of minimum wages in collective agreements. The document stipulates that in the absence of appropriate agreements establishing minimum wages in collective agreements, should take appropriate measures to ensure that minimum wage rates in consultation with representatives of employers and workers, including representatives of their respective organizations, where such exist.

It is also provided that wages usually paid only legal means of payment.

The Convention also states that in determining the subsistence level takes into account the following basic family needs of workers as food and its calorie, housing, clothing, medical care and education.

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