State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Fatal injuries at enterprises of Ukraine for 2015

10:10, 05-02-2016

According Gostruda published on the website of Ukraine data for 12 months of 2015 the enterprises of Ukraine were fatally injured 374 people. In 2014 this figure amounted to 548 people. As a result of the conduct of hostilities in 2015 killed 20 workers in 2014 - 63.

As a result of a traffic accident and the vehicle collision killed 115 people (31% of total deaths). As a result of falling from height were killed - 52 people (14%). As a result of the fall, collapse of items, materials, rocks, soil - 44 people (12%). Due to the action items and moving parts - killed 41 people (11%). Following are cases of electric shock - 34 people (9%) and the loss of workers in the fighting - 20 people (5%). As a result of the fires killed 11 people (3%).

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