State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

7 Wonders of Kiev. Sightseeing tour of the capital of our country.

11:43, 19-09-2016

We invite you to visit a fascinating tour through the magic streets of the Ukrainian capital, which will be held September 24 at 13:00!

Acquaintance with the city, we start with a known each Olympic NSC. The trail to the fabulous world of the city center, Independence Square, passes by the Palace of Sports, Pinchuk Art Center and the area of ​​Bessarabia. After resting at the musical fountain in the heart of the capital, heading for the picturesque waterfront, where one can see the magic slopes of the Dnieper. On the way to this landscape we expected green ocean Mariinsky Park, with its unsurpassed architectural monuments and unforgettable scenery. There will be the opportunity to visit one of the most popular viewing areas of Kiev, where the monument stands the Arch of Friendship of Peoples. Enrich the fresh air on the Dnieper River, we will climb to the funicular to the famous St. Andrew's descent. Also, do not leave without attention to one of the most famous monuments - St. Sophia Cathedral. The finale of the tour will be our Golden Gate Yaroslav the Wise with a hundred years of history.

Open the world of our hometown Wonderland September 24 at 13:00!

P.S. Gathering at the metro station "Olympic."

WithLідери Sтудради DУТ

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