State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

We invite you to celebrate the International Day of Families!

20:41, 06-05-2016

May 14, 2016 on the territory of the park M. Ostrovsky Student Council of the State University of Telecommunications supported Solomyanskiy District in Kyiv State Administration and the Public Council Solomenska DSA m. Kyiv conducts patriotic educational event for the International Day of Families "Strong family - strong Ukraine".

Look forward to a great holiday with its atmosphere, where there is room for everyone, from the smallest to the oldest.

Interesting competitions, master classes, competitions, games, prizes - we have something to interest and amaze you.

From 12:00 to 18:00 you can visit the location with a variety of entertainment in two subjects:

1. "Healthy Family - Healthy Nation":

- Arm-wrestling competitions;

- Entertainment game "Twister";

- Table tennis;

- Social action "exchange a cigarette for the candy";

- The game of chess and checkers;

- Content-racing quest;

- Weight lifting competitions;

- Sports Game "Energizer";

2. "My Family"

- Competition paintings and drawings on the pavement;

- Akvagrim for children;

- Master Class guitar;

- Fotosushka;

- Organization of the shooting site for free;

- Planting trees in the park;

- Dance flash mob.

Your unforgettable vacation foodkorty and provide free rides.

Also we are together with you will create a painting "Family united in Ukraine" where everyone can literally make your mark!

At 16:00 we wake your emotions concert with the participation of the youth area. Be sure to wait until the end of the concert, because we will raffle and gifts to winners of competitions.

After the start of the concert Dance Open Air. Dance Open Air - a fun drive, contemporary music and youth-dance program with competitions that will take place from 18:00 to 22:00.

At 22:00 - Ceremonial completion of the event. Running LED balls.

More information can be found at the link:

May 14, park them. Ostrovsky,
You and your friends at the celebration of the International Day of Families!

With ♥ Lidery Studrady DUT

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