State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

"SafeSearch settings and browsers for comfortable work in the Internet "

10:48, 15-03-2016


The feeling of security makes people careless

Alexandre Dumas

February 24 in the conference hall of the State University of Telecommunications initiated by the Student Council of the Faculty of Information Technology held a lecture on "SafeSearch settings and browser for easy surfing the Internet".

Most users prefer a particular browser through a beautiful interface, speed, ease of operation or availability of any extensions. Thus, in the course are other methods of struggle for "hearts user" - using those very claims, slogans like "fastest browser", "the most convenient browser", "the most functional browser", "the most customizable browser" and others. Often the choice of the browser for everyday work - the case of long-term habit or blind faith advertising producer browser, or faith in the ideals in the development of free Internet who set themselves producers browsers or authoritative opinion acquaintances experts, or even the desire to always try something new.

It is often forgotten or glossed specifically the degree of security of the browser. It directly through the browser, we review the content of websites. A browser we go to the sites of online banks, pay for goods and services, use of online services or exchanging confidential information. It is the primary browser bear responsibility for safety on the web. So why do we have so little of it reflect?

It is at this lecture Max Vorohob, Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of Information Technology, told the students how to use one of the most popular browsers and how Google Chrome with extensions to protect themselves on the Internet.

If you are unable to attend the lecture, but you want to compare in terms of safety four most popular browsers for the platform Microsoft Windows (Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera), you can view The collection of teaching materials "Settings popular browsers for secure the Internet "


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