State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

We opened the doors of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine!

22:01, 07-03-2016

Student Council for coaching initiatives Hladka Helena 4 February, 2016 for students of the State University of Telecommunications organized a tour the building in the session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was held.

It was very interesting and informative tour at the same time, because the students were able to see their own eyes and learn more about a single legislative body of state power in Ukraine. As it turned out, the session of the Verkhovna Rada building is not only an important center of political life, but also the magnificent architectural landmark of the capital.

From the first minutes of the tour the students were amazed by the beauty and scale of the magnificent building. Particularly striking painting titled "Creation of the state." It is on it, the author Kulakov Alexey G. depicted the time of the Act of Independence of Ukraine.

our University students had a unique opportunity to go on the sidelines of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, where on occasion learned about the structure of the session hall.

The house where working people's deputies of Ukraine, still contains elements of the Soviet past, for the said building - a monument of Soviet architecture.

Overview of interesting:

  • Building-session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was built in 1939 by architect Vladimir Zabolotny Ignatievitch.
  • The ceilings are decorated with paintings and stucco with elements of folk and decorative art of Ukraine - the plants that grow on the territory of Ukraine.
  • To continue the illusion of interior space in the ceiling of the first floor have represented an unusual geometric calculation of a large-scale mural "Blooming Ukraine" performed by Leningrad artists Vitaly and Boris Shcherbakov.
  • Meeting before reconstruction (1998-1999.) Was the location for movies.
  • The total area of ​​the session hall - 650 square meters, contains about 1,000 seats.
  • The first meeting of the session hall dostoyano July 26, 1939. The session was short and lasted only 3 days.
  • Pearl of the session hall is a huge crystal chandelier, made of white and colored crystal and decorated with floral ornaments.
  • On the canvas "Creation of the state" (the artist Alexey Kulakov) captures the moment of the adoption of the Act of Independence of Ukraine. Opening of paintings was held August 22, 2001 on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine. The painting depicts not only the 70 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, but also historical figures who participated in the creation of the state at different stages of the struggle for independence of Ukraine, the spiritual images of the Ukrainian nation, the top - religious image of the Virgin and the saints and canonized Prince Vladimir, Princess Olga and Nestor -Litopistsa.

Excursion to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has left memories not only in photo but also in our memory. A monumental building in which the story is created, regardless of the assessments is to continue to wait for the new reformers, although in its history seen any.


We express our sincere gratitude toPublic Council under Solomenska district in the city of Kiev State Administration for assistance in organizing and conducting tours to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine!

We hope that an excursion in
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will become a tradition, so stay tuned
Student Council of the State University of Telecommunications!


P.s.: Photos from the tour You can find here:


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