State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

E-learning in the SUT

09:28, 02-03-2016

Do you work and want to learn but do not have time?

Are you on maternity leave and want to develop?

Do you have disabilities and strive for knowledge?

Then we are waiting for you!

The State University of Telecommunications invites for e-learning people with complex and no fixed working hours, smart and ambitious people with disabilities, as well as young mothers and anybody who wants to.

We offer: =>

The main advantage of e-learning is freedom! The student is planning training time on his or her own, having arranged business, family and personal circumstances. There is an opportunity to learn subjects at your own pace without adjusting to the overall level of academic group. It is possible to devote more time to the study of important for your professional activities subjects or mere interesting ones. There is no need to spend time and money for regular attendance of educational institution.

To the applicant

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