State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


22:18, 10-04-2016

Remains very little time before the beginning of entrance to higher educational institutions. And high-grade educational process in Ukrainian universities will be determined by the number of applicants who will file their documents to each specialty selected higher education institutions. And the number of persons who submitted documents, by the vocational guidance work, which was conducted by the educational institution prior to the entrance of the company.

New Department of System analysis actively working to attract new applicants to the State University of telecommunications. And a significant part of this activity is propaganda among hairdressing professional orientation of specialized colleges of Kiev. 05. 04. 16 members of the Department of System analysis head of Department associate Professor Brailovskaya, N. N. and senior teacher, Katacak A. Yu met with prom groups, College information systems and technology. Future students expressed a deep interest in all specialities State University of telecommunications, and as a result filled more than 10 questionnaire of the entrant. And we can with high probability be expected that the majority of graduates responding to the questionnaire, to become full students of our University.

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