State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Did invent what to replace Wi - Fi? But, really!

13:54, 10-01-2016

Estonian startup of Velmenni tests technology of speed communication of data by means of light - LI - FI and plans to get a patent on an invention.

Now more detailed: LI - FI is new technology of wireless communication of data ("light" - "light" и "fidelity" is "exactness"), which allows to use more simple method of connecting to the global network by means of light-emitting diodes.

Conception of this invention in 2011 year was formed by professor of University Edinburg Harold Haas, suggesting to use visible light communication for communication of data from the internet, and also between devices. Information for LI - FI pass through LED of -diodes, which blink with unnoticeable for a human eye nanosecond frequency. So as light can pass far more information, than radio waves in Wi - Fi, in the laboratory terms of Velmenni able to get speed of transmission in 224 Gb/sec, and during tests in offices - to 1 Gb/sec.

In Velmenni consider that technology of Li - Fi will be accessible for consumers during the nearest three-four years.

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