State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Roundtable on "Sociology: who, where, what for?"

11:23, 12-04-2016

April 7, 2016 at the State University of Telecommunications, a round table on "Sociology: who, where, what for?". Students groups STD-11 STD-21 STD-31 presented the topics that most interested them:

  • Taratynova Eugenia "Youth as a social group";
  • Moskalenko Ilona "Ethnicity and Nation in Ukrainian reality";
  • Minayev Olexandr "25 frame";
  • Korin Eugen "Sociological research as a means of political manipulation";
  • Lobas Natalia "As life style sociology Category";
  • Herasymchuk Victoria "Fashion as a sociocultural phenomenon";
  • Novitskaya Anastasia "forms of marriage and family in the historic development."

Consideration of proposed issues aroused considerable interest shown relevance and significance of their decision. Participants of the "round table" noted that it was an atmosphere of "discourse ethics" (in the spirit Yu.Habermas) when "nothing makes anyone other than force a better argument." The moderators of the "round table" were teachers with department of Sociology and Humanities: Associate Professor O. Horpynych and Art. teacher N. Kyrylyuk.

Participants agreed that the discussion should not be considered complete. So we invite everyone who is interested in contemporary socio-cultural problems, and those who are responsible for the successful professional way, join the discussion on "round table".

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