State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

General Meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Commission (NMC 8) with information technology, automation and telecommunications

13:36, 21-04-2016

April 15, 2016 according to the order of MES from 06.04.2016 number 375 "On approval of the composition of scientific-methodical commissions (sub) sector of Higher Education Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine" in the Kiev College of Communications Science held a general meeting 8 -metodychnoyi Commission (NMC 8) with information technology, automation and telecommunications.

In meetings attended by Director of the Department of Higher Education MES Oleg Sharov, head of university education Alla Rybalko, members of the higher education sector Scientific and Methodological Council MES Leonid Lubchik, Bakhrushin Vladimir, head of teaching and postgraduate education Baluba Games.

At the meeting, members of the scientific-methodical commission elected leadership.

Secretary subcommittee 125 Cybersecurity elected head of the Department of the State University of Telecommunications BIC Burachki Vladimir Leonidovich.

To the applicant

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