November the 3, 2015 in the auditorium of the State University of Telecommunications took place meeting of students of the Educational-scientific Institute of Information security. The second part consisted of summarizing Institute Student Council and Student award for achieving success in the tasks. Introducing the agenda for the second part of the meeting:
The agenda of the Meeting of the Institute of CO 03/11/2015
4. Summing up the Student Council of the Institute.
The outcome of student council were awarded diplomas for the following achievements:
4.1. Victoria Tsyhak – organizing photo contest «Beautiful DUT"
4.2. Konstantin Protasenko for innovations in the creation of the first newspaper of the Institute and the first university newspaper "Your Information Security Guard"
4.3. Vladimir Goncharenko — cooperation with external partners
4.4. Yuldash Temurov for contribution to Ukrainian-Turkmenistan.
4.5. Bagley Abdyrakhmanov for contribution Ukrainian-Turkmenistan friendship starting Internet project for foreign students
4.6. Daniel Podorozhnyy for extension of Ukrainian-Uzbek cooperation and Creative ideas in the field of advertising
4.7. The creative team of Educational-scientific Institute of Information security mind, humor, conciseness and talent that demonstrated 22 2015 in review-competition "Cut Freshman 2015