State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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State University of Information and Communication Technologies

The coordination meeting in Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

19:01, 23-07-2014

The second coordination meeting took place in Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (SUT) (Saint Petersburg, Russia) оn 30 June – 2 July 2014. Representatives of 9 project partners participated in the meeting. Some of them made presentations using skype and webex sessions. New representatives of partners had an opportunity to get acquainted with consortium members and join the meeting work. Unfortunately, only 1 person from Sweden could attend the meeting. Remaining 5 people from Germany, Poland, Sweden were unable to attend because of visa problems.

The meeting started with the welcoming speech from rector of SUT, prof. S.V. Bachevskiy. He emphasized the significance of the successful project results for the SUT students.

During the whole meeting period participants had a lot of to do: gave presentations from work groups, discussed different project questions and made a lot of important decisions. Anders Carlsson (BTH), the general project manager, defined the goals of the meeting, announced its plan and set work streams.

Dariusz Caban (WTU), the leader of Joint Framework group, presented the group results. Partners had a lot of discussions about differences among national educational credits systems. As a result Andrey Krasov (SUT, RU) and Nataliia Lukova-Chuiko created a common table where they suggested the way to set the master joint framework.

Viktor Petrikin (KSTU) presented the results of work group which collected and compiled skills/ knowledge demand of future employers. 52 companies from different countries and fields were respondents in this investigation. The survey results which are connected to the security tools, threats and expectations will help courses developers to find the best solutions. The survey outcomes help to analyze skills and knowledge necessary for future employers.

Olexander Adamov (KNURE) has made some suggestions about the titles of the course which partners are going to develop. He presented a list of existing courses in the educational programs of all partners. During the working discussions partners tried to define titles and contents of the courses. The final courses list consists of 7 courses: adv. network & cloud security, wireless & mobile security, secure software development, malware, web security, pentest and ethical hacking, digital forensic. Every partner was asked to provide a feedback about the knowledge background and outcomes of defined courses.

Leo Truksans (UOL) presented the reached results in the remote cloud laboratory development and showed the possibilities of the system interface.

The Evaluation committee group representative (Iryna Sokolianskya) and an industry partner (Farit Muzipov) participated in this meeting. The representative of similar Tempus project – ICARUS, Michael Karyakin (Southern Federal University, RU) came to share his experience with the meeting participants. Michael demonstrated the reached results in student mobility, joint master programs, dissemination and focused on the challenges in ICARUS project realization. 

The calendar plan of the project realization was announced by the general project manager. Concerning to this calendar plan the following steps should be done in 2014:

  1. find experts for course development (July/August);
  2. train course managers (September/October);
  3. start course development (October/November);
  4. define the equipment by RESELA group (December).

The steps in 2015: finish the course development and deliver courses (January/February), find and train teachers, purchase equipment for the partners, train cloud laboratory specialists, install and deploy the equipment. The steps in 2016: test the courses on students, organize the winter / summer schools.

Andrey Krasov (SUT, RU) provided the walking tour in the meeting host university. Partners visited different laboratories for students studying and evaluated the equipment facilities. The news and video about the meeting was posted in the official SUT website.


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