State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
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Department of mediacommunications
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

An interesting format tasks in «REX»

15:16, 03-11-2014

An interesting format tasks picked up for the students of groups of MND- 31, MND- 41, MNDM- 51 teachers of the "Management department and business-design" of Kovshova I.O., Burbelo N.O.

Our students of October, 9 of current year were the advertisements of "REX" invited on the international XVIII exhibition, in a role of "secret customer", that took place in the apartment of EC «KyivExpoPlaza», to address street Salyutna, 2-B, Kyiv. Future managers had to feel analysts, before students a task stood to estimate, though brief, but numeral enough (66 companies) amount of organizations for to 3 points that were offered in an evaluation letter. It would be especially desirable to pay attention to one of these points are "differential features", in fact every participant of exhibition chose the method of opening of the products, aims, services.

Executing a task and moving on an individually select route students took part in one of спецпроектов of exhibition to the Speaker "zone" that is envisaged for presentations and demonstrations of advertisement, marketing services and MASS-MEDIA, felt on itself a "non-standard advertisement", features of modern Pr- at, to branding, marketing researches and visual communications. Under light of exhibition stands, advertisement constructions, signboards, "secret customers" felt on itself all taste of marketing motions and got souvenirs, business cards.

 Some of companies that presented itself expressed a desire to accept our students on an excursion. And teachers convinces: "It must be interesting". On the whole a west was very interesting, each of students had the opportunity to get practical experience is certain on the future in this direction. All, who took part in XVIII to the international exhibition of advertisement and marketing of REX 2014, got positive emotions, good mood and charge of optimism.

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