State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Google will learn to recognize the owners of phones without a password

13:30, 31-05-2016

By the end of 2016 Google plans to provide Project Abacus technology that allows access to the Android-applications without entering a password.


Google is at the end of 2016 plans to provide developers of Project Abacus technology that will allow access to the Android-applications without entering a password. This was announced at Google I / O conference the head of Google ATAP (Advanced Technology and Projects) Research Unit, Daniel Kaufmann, reports Techcrunch.


The smartphone will build the sensors with the help of a special algorithm which calculates the rate for each user Trust Score, which will determine how much a person is similar to the device owner.

It is noted that at the same time will take into account the features of the human face, his voice, typing speed, location, and distance to the nearest Bluetooth-transmitters and access points Wi-Fi.

"We have a phone and it has all these sensors Why do they not recognize you so you do not use a passcode All you need -.?. Operation gadget Trust API will use different metrics to calculate Trust Score, which determines how much you like the device owner ", - said Kaufman.

It is reported that applications like games can be run with low indicator of authenticity. But other important services, such as banking, require a Trust Score, close to the maximum.

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