State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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State University of Information and Communication Technologies

All you need to know about Microsoft Build 2016

21:45, 15-04-2016

In the United States kicked off a conference for Microsoft Build developer. Opening remarks were made to her a few employees of the company, including the CEO Satya Nadella. They spoke about the new products, as well as the announced innovations in the existing ones.

Windows 10

Currently working on a Windows 10 270 million devices (computers, tablets, smart phones, game consoles, etc.) "Ten" has become the fastest growing version of Windows. This is Microsoft in the summer release "Jubilee update", which will add to the Windows 10 several new features: Microsoft Edge will support the biometric protection, Cortana will be able to automatically create reminders based on handwritten notes, the application will be displayed when you press the stylus to store the tiles, you can draw, and you can make notes on the interactive maps. In addition, Windows 10 will be a virtual line - for drawings and graphs. Windows Store will become even more versatile - it will be added to the game for the Xbox One.

Linux in Windows 10

Windows 10 will support the Bash, so you can run binaries designed for Ubuntu Linux.

Win32, Android, iOS

Microsoft will release tools that will allow minimal change the code to port desktop software and games on a universal platform Windows. Such applications can be published to the Windows Store, in addition, they will support the native function of Windows 10. To use them it is possible not only on computers but also on other devices.

In addition, in Visual Studio, you can create cross-platform applications - with a common code, but different API for use on Windows, Android and iOS.


C the release of new firmware this summer on Xbox One will be Cortana and background music playback. In addition, developers will be able to port to Xbox One application created for Windows 10.

DirectX 12

In a few weeks it will be released DirectX 12 games with enhanced support.


Starting today, Microsoft will begin to deliver the helmet HoloLens developers (who bought it for $ 3,000), and in the Windows Store will be Galaxy Explorer application - a virtual planetarium with background information about the planets. Galaxy Explorer Source Code will be posted in open access.


In Skype will Cortana assistant who will be able to interact with third-party chat bots. The test version of Skype application for Android, iOS and Windows with this feature will be released today. Also today, Microsoft will release a framework taking for creating bots. These bots will be compatible not only with Skype, but also with other applications - for example, Slack and Twitter. Dealing with these bots can be an ordinary human language, and adjust their work - even without programming skills.

Cognitive API

Microsoft posted in open access 22 cognitive API, which is designed for data retrieval and recognition. Based on the API, you can create very complex and interesting applications - for example, the ability to translate text or voice telling the user about what is happening around.

After this presentation, it became apparent that Microsoft has ceased to believe in the success of traditional applications. Yes, the company is going to release tools to migrate older applications and games in Windows 10, but more importantly - it lays the foundation for the construction of a huge platform based on artificial intelligence. This platform will allow applications to run much more smoothly - as if they were particles represent a huge and very clever system. Example Cortana shows that Microsoft already has a successful track record of creating such systems.

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