State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Financing Comprehensive Internet

11:34, 05-04-2016

It is expected that in the next decade promises a comprehensive online public and private sectors 19 trillion dollars of potential benefits, including areas such as big data, cloud and mobile technologies.

We have already talked about the transition from the information age to the digital age and how the related global changes will transform business. The main driving force behind these dramatic changes will be the next stage of development of the Internet - Comprehensive Internet (Internet of Everything, IoE). Comprehensive Internet, which in the next decade promises to the public and private sectors of 19 trillion dollars of potential benefits in terms of value, including those new to the computing industry trends like big data, cloud, mobile technology while taking advantage of its own staff of devices for production purposes (BYOD concept) as well as a new class of software applications, which will be more and more to download the corporate and operator networks.

To offer the industry something new and fully exploit the potential of the Comprehensive Internet, organizations need to review their business models, re-think the role that plays in their business technology, and make it a strategic asset.

The number of devices in the network

As president of Cisco Capital, Cisco subsidiary finance company, I have to communicate with customers and partners in different countries, representing companies of all sizes and with different business needs. In the conversations with them almost always appears the same theme: how to achieve more with less and how to keep up with technological innovation? This is a good question to which there is no universal answer.

In such cases, I advise you, first of all, think about the desired result (ie, to determine what the business wants to solve the problem of the source), and explain how the funding process can be used as a primary means of achieving this goal. With the help of elaborate financial strategy of the company not only to maintain the necessary funds for the current business activity, but also be able to make the most important for the development of investments to help customers and partners to maintain its balance sheet more efficiently.

With financing business will be able to ease the burden of the cost of acquisition of the technology needed to build a promising IT infrastructure for Comprehensive Internet, and thus to optimize their investment. Benefits may be realized in various ways, including, given below:

save your own money that can be reinvested in the business. Financing technology helps distribute the costs of IT investments in time, keeping funds and enabling organizations to increase investment in areas such as R & D, resulting in accelerating the pace of innovation.

Accelerate return on investment thanks to the coordination of monetary payments to the implementation of the decisions and of revenue.

Flexible consumption patterns, allowing only pay for what is actually used. This is a new concept in financing for the purchase of equipment technology. So, Cisco Capital offers financing program Open Pay. It gives customers the ability to purchase solutions that are designed for the future development of the growth in demand and at the same time make it possible to handle the peak load (the figures are taken in the use and exhibit the appropriate account).

Development Lifecycle Management strategy allows organizations, using the structure of the planned payments, update assets, returning them at the end of shelf-life, and replacing the current or new technologies. This approach helps customers fight obsolescence of technology and as the need to acquire new accelerated pace, using flexible financing options.

"Update" business and compliance with the planned level of costs with the help of programs such as Cisco Refresh, in integrated solutions (helps customers comply with the financial conditions, when there is no opportunity to acquire new products or when you need to implement lifecycle management strategy).

Obviously, comprehensive Internet will radically change business in virtually all sectors. In our dynamic time remain the only constant change, and the change in the critical range of ways to invest in the technology as important as the selection of a technological solution. Choosing a funding strategy with the assistance of financial subsidiary of the vendor, a business can increase its flexibility, is not keeping up with the market changes.

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