State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Cloud security and personal data

11:21, 05-04-2016

In 2018 50% of companies with more than a thousand employees will use cloud security service. These forecasts are made analytical, Gartner.

By 2020, 95 percent of cloud security failures will occur on the client's fault. Security problems are the most common reason for not using public cloud services. However, only a small percentage of security incidents in enterprises using cloud services, has been associated with vulnerabilities that have arisen through the fault of the provider. This does not mean that organizations should assume that all cloud services are safe.

However, the growing recognition of the company responsible for the proper use of public clouds is reflected in the growing market for cloud services monitoring facilities. By 2018, 50 percent of businesses with more than 1000 users will use cloud security services to monitor and control the use of SaaS and other forms of public clouds.

"According to Gartner, in 2020, virtual personal assistants will be involved in 40% of mobile operations. Rather than use the application directly, we will rely on virtual personal assistants that will anticipate our needs, build trust and to act independently on our behalf, - the director of the Department of Innovation and Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Elena Minich. - With this in mind, we can say that within 5 years, the personal data will be used wherever possible. "

Experts note that large cloud providers can now offer considerable security of personal data, because their services are subject to international standardization, and are subject to international law in the field of personal data. Therefore, the business can successfully implement their data protection policies using cloud services.

"Personal data - is an important asset of any company - Nadezhda Vasilieva said general director of" Microsoft Ukraine ". - We understand this well, so stick to the requirements of the Ukrainian legislation on protection of personal data, as well as collaborate on improving it with a variety of international and local associations. " Nadezhda Vasilieva also recalled that in 2015 the world's first Microsoft received ISO 27018 certification - the international standard for security of personal data in the clouds. In general, the corporation has more than 100 data centers in more than 40 countries around the world.

In Ukraine, the second time the conference "Day of protection of personal data" (Data Privacy Day) to raise awareness of business, government and users. Participants in their speeches pointed out that with the growing number of Internet-connected devices and cloud-based technologies, and growing amount of personal data that these devices and technologies used.

Let me remind you that the law "On protection of personal data" in Ukraine, and according to the amendments to the Act that apply from 1 January 2014, there is no mandatory registration of personal databases and the authorized body in the field of personal data protection is the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights person - the Ombudsman.

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